Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little Notes

Too sleepy this morning to do more than make a bunch of little notes.

1) My publisher, Torquere Press, is celebrating its 7th anniversary this month. There are contests and prizes galore, including a scavenger hunt, discounts and specials, drawings for daily gift certificates and weekly gift baskets, and the chance to win a Nook! For more information, check out their contest website. (Contest page is safe for work. I make no promises about the scavenger hunt sites.)

2) Speaking of my publisher, I've actually seen a couple of reviews for my book, here and there. I won't spaz about it here, but I'll probably start collecting them over on the writing blog, so check over there at some point if you're curious.

3) We're up to Penny's last week of summer vacation. She's actually pretty eager for school to start, which is a nice change from last year, even if most of her enthusiasm is motivated by social rather than scholastic concerns. The Open House where kids can find their rooms and meet their teachers will be tomorrow, and at some point (probably tomorrow as well) we'll have the annual meeting to go over her medical plan and talk to the teacher about it.

4) Daycare is closed Friday for a staff day. It's possible to work from home with Penny there, but once you add Alex to the mix, not so much. So Matt and I will be splitting the day. Between the back-to-school stuff and this, I'm missing quite a lot of work this week. It might possibly be a good thing that we don't actually have that much work to do.

5) Had a checkup with the allergy office yesterday, and they declared I was ready to pull back to getting my shots every other week instead of weekly! Six months of that, and then six months at every 3 weeks, and then six months at every 4 weeks, and then I'll be done. Eighteen more months. It's the light at the end of the tunnel.

6) I really, really really want to take a nap. I wonder if anyone would notice if I just crawled under my desk for a couple of hours...

1 comment:

Gris said...

"September Again." ;)