Tuesday, June 15, 1999

So here I am again. I decided yesterday morning to camp out in my supervisor's office until he gave me something - anything - to work on. Unfortunately, I discovered that he's in California until very late tonight. So I spent yesterday surfing and playing with style sheets. Today, I remembered to bring a book.

I got to talk to Matt last night. They're working long hours, but it doesn't sound like especially heavy work, so that's okay. (Matt's job is to sit at a station and handout installation CDs to the vendors who come up and ask him for one.) He says the food they're serving at the convention is fantastic - they ate out last night not because they were bored with the convention's food, but so that when people asked, "So, where did you eat in New Orleans?" they wouldn't have to answer, "We just ate at the convention hall." So he's certainly not on a hardship tour. He says he's trying to decide what to get me for a present - he asked if I wanted a preserved alligator head. Apparently they're very popular tourist items. (In case you're curious, I told him no.)

I'm losing a lot of sleep with Matt out of town. It's not so much that I go to bed and toss and turn for hours because I miss him; I'm going to sleep relatively quickly. I'm just not going to bed on time. Saturday night I was at K.T.'s until fairly late because of the game. Sunday night I went to bed at 10, but sat up reading until 11:30. Last night I went to bed after I got off the phone with Matt at 10:45, but got up again at 11:00 because I thought I'd figured out where a disk I'd lost was. (But after half an hour of looking, it's still lost.) And I'm waking up early - the latest I've slept since Matt left was Sunday morning, when I managed to snooze until 8:30. (Of course Monday and today I was up with the alarm around 6:15.) And I don't see it improving anytime soon - I'm making plans to meet a friend for coffee tonight or tomorrow night, which is sure to last fairly late.

Oh, well. Better to be dragging around the office yawning than dragging around whining and sighing melodramatically, I suppose!

Since it was a nice sunny day for most of yesterday, I drove by the house to see if they'd done any more work on it, and they had! The framing for the second story is done, they'd started putting up the sheets of foam insulation that go on the outside of the house, and most of the pre-assembled roof struts had been hauled up to the second floor in anticipation of putting them up. Hurrah! We might actually have a house by the end of the summer! ::crosses fingers::

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