Saturday was the Summer Bash. A lot of the people we invited couldn't make it, and it turned out to probably be just as well, because we barely fit everyone in the house as it was.
The kids (Penny, Jess, and Ray) played in the pool and then made a small wreck of the green room -- but they more or less confined themselves to the green room, Penny's room, and the deck, leaving the grownups free to sit and chat without being interrupted every three words, which was really nice.
Alex was on his very best behavior -- he napped for the first hour or more of the party, then woke up happy and cute and sociable; he didn't get overloaded and cranky until fairly close to his usual bedtime anyway, and then went to bed with relatively little fuss. Just about all that could be asked of a six-month-old!
Of course I have pictures!

More pics over at flickr, of course.
We spent Sunday recovering and doing the usual chores. Karen came over after dinner, so we got to chat with her some more before she headed back home.
Of course, Penny started leaking goop from her eyes that evening, so she's going to the doctor today to make sure it isn't pinkeye and/or get a prescription to deal with it. ...Assuming she isn't on a field trip. I'll have to call and check up on that.
It's a short work week, of course, with the 4th on Friday. And half my office is taking Thursday and/or Monday off to extend the holiday to a 4-day weekend, so things are pretty quiet.
Despite being halfway through my run of antibiotics, I've still got fluid in my left ear and can't hear anything on that side. If it doesn't clear up soon, I may make an appointment with an ENT specialist. Though someone suggested that my persistent cough might be caused by (or at least worsened by) the smoke in the air from the peat fire in North Carolina -- if that's the case, then I'm probably stuck with both the cough and the lack of hearing for the next month. Whee.
At any rate, I've decided I don't want to wait for the ear to clear up to go back to swimming; I really missed it last week. So I'm going back tonight, and sometime this week I'll find some time to go looking for earplugs to protect my ears once I'm done with the antibiotics.
At least, that's the plan. If Penny's doctor holds us up too late, I might just go straight home afterwards, and I can't really go swimming with her in tow.
Guess it's going to be a play-it-by-ear afternoon...