Thursday, September 25, 2008


Warcraft jabber, here... I just finished the initial series of Death Knight quests, and... Ya gotta try this!

Even if you don't plan to ever play the death knight once you've gotten past the initial storyline, you should at least experience that much. You do feel kind of shoehorned into everything -- you don't get a any choices for your quests, and you don't get the option to just skip them. They really all have to be done, or you can't progress.

Lich King

But accept that, for the duration. It only lasts 3 levels, and they make it easy for you. I finished the series in three sessions of 1.5 hours, and I was taking my time to do things like read the random books lying around, okay? The XP rewards are freaking huge, the gear rewards are nothing short of amazing (you leave the story entirely clad in blues). They want you to be level 58 or so when you finish, and they make it easy for you. Only a couple of the quests even made me sweat, I only died twice (and once was because I got confused and went the wrong way). It's easy.

So accept the shoehorning for the sake of enjoying the story. Take it slowly. Read the random books lying around, listen to the scripted bits.

Appreciate the fact that the world changes around you. After you've razed the village and slaughtered its inhabitants, guess what? It shows up as razed. It stays that way. You don't wander by on another quest an hour later and see everything back to normal. And those guys who are still on the first quest? They don't see you, and you don't see them. It's the next logical extension of how the world changes when you're dead and you can only see other dead toons and the world around you looks slightly different... only now you can only see other toons who are on the same stage of the story as you, and the world around you looks very different.

And those of you who know me well may find this interesting. This:
...wasn't even the best part.

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