Thursday, September 18, 2008

No wacky dreams last night. Though Alex did still wake up at 4:30 and need a fresh diaper, and then I had trouble getting back to sleep, so I'm not altogether at my best this morning.

(I know, I know - like that's different from any other morning.)

Penny seems to be making social gains at school. She told me last night that she played super powers with two or three other kids (most of whose names she still can't - or won't - remember). And this morning as we were waiting in the lobby, Liam came up and said hello to her, and Penny wandered off to chat with him without a qualm, and when it was time to go to class, the two of them went together, me trailing behind calling, "Don't run! Don't run! Don't run!" (The teachers and aides standing in the hallway all gave me that sympathetic, "We appreciate you trying even though we all know it's useless" half-smile.)

So that's a good thing.

In contrast to the rest of the morning, in which I discovered that Penny's pears are starting to go brown and bad; the Roomba's battery has ceased to hold a charge; Alex broke my necklace while trying to cling to me when I put him down at daycare, then set up a wail when I walked away that made the other babies follow suit; and Penny got to class and discovered her ring was missing.

Here's hoping things will turn around.

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