Monday, February 7, 2011

Long Enough

Weekends are never long enough. Even when they're fun. Well, especially when they're fun.

I'm sleepy this morning, not really coming up with much of anything to talk about. Have a picture of Alex at the park yesterday, instead:

What's going on this week? Let's see... Penny's got an appointment with her endocrinologist this morning. Matt's taking her to that, and I'm hoping to hear that her A1C has come back down. I'm hoping to continue the writing streak I had going last week, though it's going to be a much busier week at work, so I probably won't be quite as prolific. I'll be happy if I can just get some writing done every day. I need to go out at lunch one day and do some Valentine shopping for the kids.

That's... pretty much it. A quiet social calendar to counterbalance my crazy work one.

Speaking of which, I'd better get on with it...

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