Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Everyone likes pizza. What's not to like?

It's not very diet-friendly, though. And even less diabetic-friendly. So rather than dial out for Papa John's, I make pseudo-pizza at home every few weeks. Usually I use english muffins as a base, but this week, on a whim, I bought some "everything" bagel thins.

I'd given up on bagels as a basis for mini pizzas -- they're too thick. But the bagel thins are basically bagels that are only about half as thick as a normal bagel, which made them just about perfect. Half the calories/carbs, and just the right amount of chewy and crunch. Spread them with a little tomato paste, sprinkle on some shredded cheese, and pop them in the oven until the cheese melts -- blammo!

Must remember that one for the future.

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