Tuesday, April 6, 1999

Archive - 6 April 1999

Hot damn. Ten people were on the MeadeHall last night! Braz, Jeff, Tom, Mike, Karen, KT, Matt, Shbee, Jeremy, and me! It's a new record! We're usually feeling pretty exciting if we get more than four!

As a result, we stuck around afterwards and chatted until about 10:30, and so Matt and I didn't get to bed until after 11, and now I'm tired. I was so tired when the cat started his usual morning pestiness that it didn't bother me enough to worry about. Matt actually got up and put the cat out, and he even picked up my glasses from where the cat had knocked them. Isn't my sweetie great?

::yawn:: But I'm still tired. And my allergies are acting up, oh joy.

Weight Watchers meeting tonight, too. Moment of truth - how bad was I with that Easter candy? I was pretty good the rest of the week, though. Hopefully that will have offset the candy, but I really won't know for certain until I get on that scale tonight.

I'm sorry this is so lame, but I didn't get enough sleep last night again, I had to wake up before dawn again, and I've got an actual deadline coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm a little distracted.

I actually joined the gym yesterday. Up until now, we've just been paying for the one water aerobics class that we go to. Now, I've got the option of doing something on my own instead. Hopefully, having paid over a hundred dollars, I'll feel obligated to actually use the facilities. (I know, I know, $125 isn't a lot of money to spend on a gym membership, but it's more than I've ever paid to exercise before!) But last night I looked around the apartment and came to the realization that I must have thrown away my old sneakers. So now I have to go get some new ones.

Minor rant: What the hell is with shoe stores? Okay, I understand that if you're going to get really into exercising, you want the shoes that have been carefully designed for your particular pain. Walking and running shoes tilt you forward a bit (because of course everyone knows it's easier to walk downhill) and basketball shoes protect your ankles and the other sports shoes do other things for you. But what kind of shoes do you get if you don't know what kind of exercise you'll be doing the most of? I'm just starting out, for pete's sake! Will it be the stationary bike? The track? The elliptical stair machine? Weights? (Do they have special sneakers for weight-lifting? It wouldn't surprise me.) Don't tell me I should buy "cross-trainers" either. Those things are not normal sneakers, and the price tag agrees. All I want is a rubber sole, cloth that breathes, and plenty of room in the toe-box. I have my own prescription arch supports, so an arch in the shoe is a waste of time. (In fact, I'll probably wind up having to pull the insole out of the shoe.)

Anyhow, I need to go shopping for yet another pair of shoes, which is an activity that I enjoy almost as much as going to the dentist. Wish me luck...

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