Monday, April 12, 1999

Archive - 12 April 1999

I had a pretty good weekend. Went to a mini-con and got some autographs and a new T-shirt, met up with KT and went to the mall (where I spent possibly a little more than I should have on some new clothes, but they were just so perfect) and then we hung out at KT's most of the evening chatting. Sunday was a nice lazy day - aside from doing the laundry, we just sat around the house not doing much of anything.

I bought myself a stress-ball. It's shaped vaguely like a cat. A very grumpy cat, with its tongue sticking out. It's so ugly it's adorable.

It rained most of the day Sunday, right up until about 4:30, which didn't help Matt's mood any. Matt's been in a mood lately. Not constantly irritable, but easily irritated. And then, of course, when he gets irritated and snaps at me, it makes him feel guilty, which doesn't help any. Vicious cycle. I wish I knew why he's been this way lately, but he says he doesn't know, himself. I guess I just have to hope he gets over it soon.

Our anniversary is coming up at the end of this week, and I have no idea what to get him. Anyone out there have any thoughts?

Ah, yet another disjointed and disorganized Monday journal entry. And short, too. Well, nothing of note happened this weekend (well, except the romance, but that's documented elsewhere) and I haven't been thinking of anything in particular worth writing down. I did invent a new recipe, which in honor of the romance I made it for, I'm calling "Out-In Chicken."

Saturday night, just before I went to sleep, I had a fantastic idea for a short story. I almost got up to jot it down, but decided it was so great I'd remember it in the morning. You guessed it. I have no idea what it was, now. But I woke up Sunday morning with a great first line for a story in my head, and no story to go with it. I'll even tell you: "When she woke up, it was September again." Isn't that great? Don't you want to read the next sentence to see what that means? Me, too. But I have no idea. I have a fantastic mental image of a woman lying in a bed and opening her eyes slowly. The first thing she sees is a window, and outside the window are some trees with leaves just starting to change colors. But I have no idea if she went to sleep on August 31 and woke up the next morning, or if she's been sleeping for days, or for weeks, or years. Much less why she went to sleep in the first place. Was she exhausted from some task? Had she been ill or injured? Is September significant to her in some way?

No clue. But it's a fantastic opening line. Maybe some day I'll use it.

That's it; that's all you get from me today. I want breakfast.

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