Monday, May 12, 2008


I'm the first one into the office this morning, so while my computer was booting up, I wandered down to the kitchen to make the coffee.

I turned on the plate, filled the pot with water, and left it in the sink while I got out the filter and coffee-pack. Filter into its box, open up the pack and dump the coffee in, put the box on its rack.

I picked up the pot and was just about to open the water-intake when the coffee machine... sputtered. And hissed.

As if it was heating up some water.

I looked at the pot in my hand, and then, out of curiosity, stuck the empty decaf pot on the plate.

It's a good thing, too, because a few seconds later, coffee started to come out of the drip. Someone had pre-filled the machine with water before turning it off, on Friday. And if I hadn't happened to turn on the plate before doing the rest of the prep-work, it wouldn't have sputtered until I'd already poured in a second pot's worth of water. Which would then have overflowed the pot and made a huge mess in the kitchen.

I could be annoyed about whoever prefilled the machine. It's a dumb thing to do unless you are 100% certain you're going to be the next one to turn the machine on.

But I'm in a good mood this morning, so instead, I'm choosing to feel good about having averted a mess. (We've had this happen before. This is exactly why I turn on the plate before I do everything else.)

Mother's Day was... okay, I guess. I had cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and Matt got me a couple of DVDs that I was excited about.

But Alex spent the day kind of fussy, so I didn't get to sleep in as much as I wanted to, and we spent the day trading him back and forth and trying to lull him into a nap. And Penny had more energy than she knew what to do with, which translated to her being loud and not terribly well-behaved at the grocery store, and then into all kinds of attitude in the afternoon. Combine that with our frustration with Alex, and we wound up yelling way too much.

The dinner with my family was nice -- grilled chicken stuffed with goat cheese and herbs, and grilled marinated vegetables, and salad and rolls. Except for Alex being fussy, which meant Matt and I couldn't be at the table at the same time, and we pretty much had to run as soon as we were done eating.

We did linger long enough for a picture, though. I'd wanted several pictures, but Alex was just too cranky -- but he's coming up on five months old, and I still didn't have a picture of the whole family together. So we did that.

You can tell Alex is tired, and I think John's tripod was crooked, but at least we're all together.

When we got home, Alex was so exhausted and overwrought that it took him half an hour of screaming to get to sleep, and then Penny got in trouble again for attitude and went to bed sobbing. It wasn't the best end to the day I could have imagined.

But despite that, I'm in a decent mood this morning. I feel like I could accomplish something this week. You never know - it could happen!

1 comment:

Liz Brooks said...

...You know, looking at the picture again, you can really see that Penny has Matt's coloring, while Alex has mine. Interesting.