Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm feeling pretty pessimistic this morning.

The doctor confirmed yesterday that Penny's starting to pull out of her "honeymoon" phase, which means her sugars are going to get harder to manage, and we'll have to be even more careful about what she eats. And I noticed this morning that her nose is running -- if she's caught a cold, it'll make things even harder to keep in check.

Alex was fussy yesterday evening, woke up at 2:30 last night and then was up for the day at 5:40 -- and then spent half an hour of it screaming until I finally figured out he was hungry again.

My milk is inexplicably drying up again, and despite all logic to the contrary, I can't seem to stop feeling defensive and inadequate about it.

I was turned down for life insurance because I'm so fat.

Out of nowhere, suddenly every freaking thing in my closet is teal or aqua. I was trying to get away from the monochrome wardrobe thing.

The bursitis in my knee is getting worse and not better, despite the knee brace. And the limping is making my fasciitis come back.

I smashed the top of my head on the car frame this morning, driving about six spiky little points from my hair clips into my scalp.

Okay, okay, enough whining. I am not posting this until I can find three good things to say about today.

1) The weather is absolutely, stunningly gorgeous right now.

2) Both kids were fantastic at dropoff this morning.

3) Daycare is finally letting Penny's teacher handle her shots. She gave me a practice shot yesterday (with just water).

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