Thursday, May 29, 2008

Stuff and Toof

Took Penny to her pediatrician yesterday for her pre-kindergarten physical. She's 41.5" tall (at the 25% mark -- which doesn't surprise me; I already knew she was one of the shorter kids in her class, if not the shortest), and 45 pounds (at the 75% mark).

They tested her vision -- 20/40 on each eye individually; 20/30 with both. That is, good enough not to need glasses, but we'll want to keep an eye on it, especially since Matt was in glasses at a fairly early age, and she's practically his clone.

They tried to test her hearing, but she either didn't quite understand the instructions or she got bored with the test, because she didn't seem interested in raising her hand when she heard the beeps. I'm not too worried about it. If she's got the same hearing problems I do, the tests won't catch it anyway and she'll eventually learn to compensate (mostly).

They did a blood hemoglobin test. I forestalled them using the generic (read: too deep) lancet by suggesting that Penny do her own "stick" for them to use. The nurses and doctor were very impressed with her -- apparently some kids make as big a fuss over the lancet as they do over the shots.

I won't pretend that the shots went smoothly. I had to hold her down, and she screamed. Loudly. The tears stopped eventually, though she made me lift her in and out of the car for the rest of the day. Other than that, though, she did really well, and now we can gather together the rest of the paperwork we need to get her enrolled in kindergarten.

I had book club last night. We read Momfidence!: An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting, and pretty much all of us liked it a lot. Except for Kris, who thought it was funny but couldn't quite get behind the low-pressure approach to parenting.

But we all had fun sitting around talking and drinking and eating, which is about 75% of the reason we have book club, anyway.

Alex slept until 5:45 this morning, which I would have bet against, given how poorly he nursed at 10. He was all smiles when I picked him up, though. (Alex wakes up fast and happy, unlike his sister, whom we've learned to just give as wide a berth as possible in the mornings until she decides she's ready to deal with being awake.)

After he'd eaten, I played with him a bit, and as he was gnawing on my finger, I realized that something in there felt... hard. I couldn't manage to pry his mouth open and keep his tongue out of the way long enough, but Matt confirmed my suspicion -- his first tooth has broken the gum. (Timing! I'd said I was going to wean Alex when he started teething or at 6 months, whichever came first, and I'd already put together a plan to start reducing the pumping next week.

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