Tuesday, January 20, 2009

White Stuff

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Aaaa! Execute FLAILEX maneuver! AAAAAH! THE SKY IS FALLING!

I swear, three flakes of snow and the entire eastern half of the state shuts down. The snow hasn't even started falling yet, and every school district south of us has declared it a snow day.

Well, I'm sure it's for the best. I mean, we are supposed to get three whole inches.

For pity's sake...

When I got Penny to school today, the principal came out to tell me that the school nurse was out for the day and did I want to come in and do her shots and such, or would it be okay if the designated backup took over Penny's care. (The designated backup is the mother of the school's other diabetic student, who just so happens to work at the school, so I felt pretty confident about turning it over to her for the day -- she promised to call me with updates or if she had any questions.)

"Penny, this is Mrs. D., she's going to be doing your shot today, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." Penny was supremely uninterested in this detail, and turned back to watching the clock.

The principal chuckled. "She's probably hoping for snow." Apparently, the office had already fielded over a hundred phone calls about whether they were open today. The principal actually rolled her eyes as she gestured toward the parking lot. "Look outside! There's nothing there!"

In real news, I'm pretty excited for the inauguration today. My boss's daughter's best friend got tickets to actually attend, and he told me she was there at 7:30 this morning, and the stadium was already a complete madhouse.

Matt's got the TiVO set to record it -- we don't mind skipping most of the festivities, but we'd like to see Obama's first speech as President.

President Obama. I get chills just thinking about it. In a good way.

About a year ago, someone said something to me about him, and I said, "A black man with a name only a letter off from Osama? In this country? I would love to see it happen, but I wouldn't bet on it."

I've never been so happy to be wrong in all my life. I'm sure I'm destined for disappointment -- he's a politician, after all, and there's only so much even the President can do -- but right now it feels like the beginning of a relationship when everything is sparkly and perfect.

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