Thursday, January 22, 2009

Say Again?

When I went in for my allergy shots on Tuesday, they'd gotten in my fresh serums, so it was time for a vial test. That's where they inject a very tiny amount of the serum just barely under the surface of the skin, wait ten minutes, and then measure the size of the welt that forms, to ensure the serum isn't too strong.

I get three different serums. Two of them are on "maintenance," which means I get the same dosage, once a week. The third is still building up to maintenance, which means I get a slightly larger dose each time I go in, and I need to go in twice a week for it. And when they order me a fresh vial of serum, they order it in a more concentrated form and start over with tiny doses, working their way up. Slow building of tolerance, yadda yadda yadda.

After my ten minutes, the serum that's been on maintenance had a small welt, the other one on maintenance had a medium-to-large welt but passed inspection, and the building serum... was enormous and still growing.

"Well, that counts as your shot for the week," the nurse said, frowning at my arm. "Given this reaction, you need to wait seven days before we do another round."

Which means I don't have to go in for an allergy shot today or tomorrow. And I only need to go to the gym one more time this week.

Which means, in effect, that I have a "free" lunch break today or tomorrow. I don't have to drive to the other side of Williamsburg to do something about my health. I don't have to postpone a gym trip to after dinner so I can meet Matt for lunch. (I'm not meeting Matt for lunch anyway, because Penny's school is on half-days for the rest of the week.) A whole hour, for myself! I'm giddy with the possibilities.

(And just imagine -- once that last serum goes on maintenance, I'll only have to get my shots once a week, and I'll have a free lunch break every week!)

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